Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What a great day!

On Monday I woke up at 5:30 to head to the Gym but I almost cheated my self. When I woke up it must had been about 30 degrees and for Orlando that's pretty cold, I wanted nothing more then to lay back down under the covers until 0830 but I didn't I pushed myself to get out of bed and go train.

I don't quite remember all of Monday's work outs but it was stations. 2 minutes of work 5 seconds to switch! The stations were Shoulder Pressed, 12 kg Kettlebell swings, Box Jumps, and Body Squats. I think we did 4 rounds of this.
Today was another great workout session. After light stretching we started the rounds and it was timed to beat the clock. The exercises were as followed 30 Kettlebell snatches each arm, 30 sit ups (real sit ups shoulders to your knees), and 30 deep body squats (your butt had to touch a medicine ball) that is all 1 round then round 2 is 25 of each, round 3 is 20 of each, round 4 is 15 of each, round 5 is 10 of each and round 6 is 5 of each and the goal was under 30 minutes. I completed that at 22:47. As I am writing this I feel my muscle in my back still burning. After that workout I had to deal with a flat tire I received on my way to the gym, I can still change a tire in about 15 minutes.

One another note I wanted to share my GREEN MONSTER smoothie I make everyday.
3 Kale Leaves
1 Cucumber
2 Celery Sticks
1 Pear
1 Apple
1 Banana
It has a very sweet taste with a very light feeling of grass.

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