Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Day 3 of Juicing/Blending - Lets call it eating clean!

Good Evening Friends, Family and loyal blog readers!

How are you doing today? I hope life finds you well.

All is well in the life of you favorite endomorph, and I'll tell you why. On Monday I started a "JUICE" fast/diet and surprisingly I feel great. Prior to starting this juice fast I was worried. I worried that I would feel like as if I was starving, feel weak, feel unsatisified, the time to make the juice, and a hundreds of other personal hang ups. Now I wonder why I was I so affraid. The reason I felt like I would be starving is because before I started trying to watch what I ate, I could sit down and eat a huge meal and a snack and so on. For example, I remember years ago I would go to McDonalds and I could eat a Double Quarter Pound with Cheese, Large Fries, Large Dr. Pepper, and possibly I would still devour a Double Cheese Burger. ( A double cheeseburger not that horrible Im not proud of that but its what I used to do. Now over the years, especially since the birth of my son, I have watched what I ate, and there were times were even after a meal that would satisify most people I remained hungry, and for this very reason I thought going on a Juice fast was not only insane but I was setting myself up for failure. In my mind I figured that if I wasnt going to be eating I would be weak because big burly manly men like me need MEAT and animal protein, the flesh of slaughtered animals. The fear of not be satifisied is a bit self-explanotory, if I am not eating that doesnt seem satisfying. Now the time it takes to make JUICE, I am not going to lie it does take some time in preparation. The dilemna lies in this, where do I find the TIME? Well in the words of Rener Gracie, " Stop doing something else!" Think about that statement, for minute, then think about the time of your day that you could be doing something productive. Lately it takes me about anywhere between 30-35 minutes to make enough JUICE to last me throughout the day. I have been consuming about 90 ounces of JUICE a day.

My Ingredients

Handful of Kale
2 Cucumbers
2 Apples
Half a Cantalope
1/4 HoneyDew Melon
Some Strawberries
2-3 Sticks of Celery
2 Large Carrots
Some Pineapple chunks

Instead of JUICING all that in a juicer, I put that all in a blender and get it to the consistency of Apple Sauce, (Or Baby Food, what some of my coworkers like to call it.)
(See the pictures below)

Also exciting news on Saturday I squatted my new one rep max ... 315lbs I am hoping to see 500 lb squats by years end!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Sacrifices, Responsibilities, and Training

Ok so I am continually trying to get better at updating my blog, but apparently it's not happening as well as I want to. Between trying to maintain a strict training schedule, spend time with my son, juggling 2 classes (Calculus, World Religions), and working Full Time, updating my blog usually takes a seat in the proverbial 3rd row seat.

Well first things first I am currently down 24 pounds (Weight that was put on during my recovery period.)! This is thanks to the efforts of my CrossFit Instructor and friend Erik Abreu, who is constantly pushing me in the gym especially to opt for the heavier weights/Kettlebell.

I have been drinking Kale Shakes everyday and next week I am going to try see if I can live 100% on Kale Shakes. Let's see how well I can survive, I think I will be alright. Yesterday and Wednesday I successfully replaced 2 of my meals with kale shakes and felt great. Well off to bed I go, need to rest up before training tomorrow! Enjoy the pictures.